
Vector API Endpoints and Resources

For Custom Software and Advanced Users

Not sure how to implement these endpoints? Visit our Mapping Walkthrough page for help.


Our maps are built with the help of thousands of public and private sources and open projects. Displaying the following links on your map satisfies their required attributions.

© <a href="">Slpy</a> 
© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors

Vector Tiles{language code}/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf?key={your_api_key}
Item Description
File Type PBF
Language Code 2 character language code
Coverage World - Data Zoom 0-15. 15 contains data for all further zooms.
ZXY zoom, x, y grid
Key Api.Slpy Api Key

Map Style - MGL{your_api_key}&lang={language code}
Item Description
File Type JSON
Standard Mapbox/Maplibre GL JS specification

Url Parameters

Parameter Description
key Sign up or Log in, then create a Key from your account page.
lang Supported 2 character language code.
style '2d' or '3d' for buildings. Default is 2d buildings for better performance on slower hardware.
transform Appy style transforms like "saturate", "brightness", "invert", and more as shown on the Map Design page.
filter Comma (,) separated list of levels for points of interest you want to filter from view. (see below)

Filter Parameter Options

Filter Description
major label (neighborhoods and large shopping areas or buildings), airport, college, golf, park
high aerialway, airfield, attraction, cinema, city, department, ferry, grocery, hospital, museum, park2, station, town, village, zoo
mid america-football, bank, building, campsite, dam, embassy, fire-station, fuel, furniture, garden, hardware, library, lodging, medical, parking, parking-garage, pharmacy, place-of-worship, police, post, religious-christian, religious-jewish, religious-muslim, school, theatre, town-hall, water
low bicycle, bus, telephone, toilets, information
detail atm, drinking_water, shower, monument, viewpoint, subway_entrance
other This is all uncategorized points of interest that do not fall into any other level.

Item Description
File Type PBF
Standard Mapbox/Maplibre GL JS specification
Fonts Noto Sans and FontAwesome (fasolid)

Item Description
File Type JSON for layout, PNG for images
Standard Mapbox/Maplibre GL JS specification
Example[email protected]

Map Style - OL

*Unmaintained - Please use our Maplibre GL style with OL-Mapbox-Style for the most up to date designs.
Item Description
File Type JS
Standard OpenLayers specification

Font Icons
Item Description
File Type CSS
Standard Font-Awesome for use with OpenLayers


No labels or man made features{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key={your_api_key}

Basic Labels and boundaries{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key={your_api_key}
Item Description
File Type PNG
Coverage World - Zoom 0-13, United States 0-17
Language English Labels Only

Next Steps

Customize and add features to your new map

Settings & Features

  • Common settings and Language Support.
  • Content Filtering
  • Satellite, Street Level, and other features.
  • Compatibility for older browsers.

Search & Geocoding

  • Add a search bar to your map.
  • Translate addresses to coordinates
  • Search for points of interest.

Map Design

  • Customize your maps look
  • Night Mode, Greyscale.
  • Get the Slpy Style source code.