
Choose a Map Type

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An Interactive map with infinite resolution and dynamic elements. This is the best type where the software supports it.

Raster Pro Plan

An interactive map with fixed resolution and elements. This option is for legacy software that does not yet support Vector.

Static Pro Plan

Map Images are great for thumbnails, fixed media, or when the software doesn't support a dynamic map.

Vector vs Raster

Vector - Modern, customizable, and lightweight
Raster - Efficient for slower hardware and older software

Maps with the ability to pan and zoom are made up of a grid of map image tiles. Vector tiles have infinite retina resolution, dynamic content and styling that can be instantly altered, and modern features at a smaller file size. Raster tiles were the original method for dynamic maps, and are often the only option for older browsers and software. They use pre-rendered PNG images and thus can not change style, resolution, or content. A Pro subscription and higher number of credits are required for Raster because of the larger file sizes and increased server resources.