
Map Settings

After creating an Interactive Map, you can now customize its functionality and control its content.

Basic Settings

Here is an overview of the variables we use in our documentation that are popular terms throughout most software.

let apiKey = 'your_api_key';
let container = 'map';
let style = '' +apiKey+'&lang=en';
let latitude = '0.0'; 
let longitude = '-0.0';
let center = [longitude, latitude]; 
let startZoom =  '3';
Item Description
apiKey Sign up or Log in, then create a Key from your account page.
container Id name you used for your map's DIV container. You can change the id, but it should always have a class of "map".
style A url containing the MapLibre/Mapbox Style json
Latitude and Longitude The coordinates of where you want to center your map on loading. See our Geocoding page for help.
center An array of longitude followed by latitude.
startZoom Zoom level, ranging from 0-20. 0 is the whole world, and 20 is an individual house.

Supported Languages

This is a two character code that sets the language used on labels and roads for the map accross the planet. The default language is 'en' for English. In maps, you can use 'intl' for international labeling that uses the native language of the region being viewed.

Software Method
Custom Setup For tile endpoints, alter the subdirectory url part. For styles, use the lang parameter.
Item Description
intl Language is in native language of viewed map area.
ar Arabic العربية
bn Bengali বাংলা
de German Deutsch
en English English
es Spanish Español
fr French Français
el Greek ελληνικά
hi Hindi हिन्दी, हिंदी
hu Hungarian Magyar
id Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia
it Italian Italiano
ja Japanese 日本語 (にほんご)
ko Korean 한국어
nl Dutch, Flemish Nederlands, Vlaams
pl Polish Język Polski, Polszczyzna
pt Portuguese Português
ru Russian русский
sv Swedish Svenska
tr Turkish Türkçe
vi Vietnamese Tiếng Việt
zh Chinese 中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語

Filter Features

To hide unneeded content features and points of interest from our Vector maps, you can use the style url's filter parameter. Raster maps not supported.{your_api_key}&lang={language code}&filter={filter item}
Item Description
major label (neighborhoods and large shopping areas or buildings), airport, college, golf, park
high aerialway, airfield, attraction, cinema, city, department, ferry, grocery, hospital, museum, park2, station, town, village, zoo
mid america-football, bank, building, campsite, dam, embassy, fire-station, fuel, furniture, garden, hardware, library, lodging, medical, parking, parking-garage, pharmacy, place-of-worship, police, post, religious-christian, religious-jewish, religious-muslim, school, theatre, town-hall, water
low bicycle, bus, telephone, toilets, information
detail atm, drinking_water, shower, monument, viewpoint, subway_entrance
other This is all uncategorized points of interest that do not fall into one of the levels below.

Next Steps

Customize and add features to your new map

Settings & Features

  • Common settings and Language Support.
  • Content Filtering
  • Satellite, Street Level, and other features.
  • Compatibility for older browsers.

Markers & Popups

  • Add markers to your points
  • Include popups on your page for more info.
  • Highlight points on your map.
  • Helper functions

Map Design

  • Customize your maps look
  • Night Mode, Greyscale.
  • Get the Slpy Style source code.

Search & Geocoding

  • Add a search bar to your map.
  • Translate addresses to coordinates
  • Search for points of interest.