
Map & Location Search Platform

Power your Apps with our interactive Slippy Maps and Cloud-hosted tools for Developers.

  Vector Maps

  Address Search

  Rapid Autocomplete

  Static Map Images

  Reverse Geocoding

  Location Search

Maps API

With our custom-designed map, your customers can easily find store locations, track deliveries, navigate results, and plan trips. Likewise, team members benefit from accurate data mapping for efficient asset management. All simple to implement, thanks to our cross-platform SDKs and ready-to-use code.
Browse the Map

  Amazing Detail

Easily navigate with dynamic road widths, color-coded buildings, crosswalks, and even nearby restrooms. Our Design...

  Smart Filters

Quickly find the most important places and routes without being overwhelmed by unnecessary information. Our Data...

  Cross Platform

Integrate into your Android, iOS, or web apps using popular programs like MapLibre GL JS, OpenLayers, and Leaflet. Our Docs...

Production Ready

With Slpy JS, just one line of code enables integrated aerial imagery, street level view, markers with popups, and other common features.

Safer Updates

Businesses require safe and secure maps. So our unique updater commits over 3.5 million stable changes on a daily basis.

More Accessible

With accessibility information for all points and paths, wheelchair and stroller access is easily identifiable by blue icons.

Greater Compatibility

Six percent of users is not an acceptable loss for businesses. That's why Slpy JS has automatic fail-over for older browsers.
6% of Users...

Free to Start,
No-risk to Sign up

Free Plan

per Month
  • 50,000 Credits w/Limit
  • Commercial Use
  • Interactive Vector Maps
  • Search API

Pro Plan

per Month
  • 300,000 Credits
  • Commercial Use
  • Interactive Maps
  • Static Map Images
  • Search API
  • Everything API

Join for free and then activate the PRO plan when you're ready.